Title : Initial Ideas 
For a film magazine 

  1.  Research current film magazines
  2. Conduct research on what is in the magazines
  • Features 
  • Reviews
  • Interviews 
  • Context
  1. Keep a log on all your research
I am conducting this research to start up my own film magazine as this would allow the magazine which I am producing to be able to stand out and be a unique type of film magazine. I am conducting this research as it would allow me to see what type of information that other film magazines have and how they have used the information which they have gathered. I also would be able to see how and what types of films a variety of  of magazines would use so that I do not write about the same things other magazines do. This would allow me to make sure that I am able to make my magazine a unique magazine so that that my magazine would attract a lot of customers and also have a lot of context which customers would want too read.

Empire (DECEMBER 2011)
Cover page: mission impossible 4 - 'Empire' used a new film that had been released or what going to be released in order to attract customers, the magazine used 'mission impossible 4' as this was the latest film that was out with could have attract customer and people who love t watch film to be able to find out more about the film and characters before they watch the film or even after.  This is a good way to make people interested in the magazine.

Films to be released Page 3, 19 and others- T
Films on DVDs and games to be released Page 7,23 and others -
In the magazine there his ages where they have advertised films which would be on sale for people to buy, this would mean people would be able to watch the movie at home.
Page 10,11,12,13

Total Film (February 2001 - Issue 49) -
Total Film is a British film magazine which is published 13 times a year by the company 'Future plc or Future Publishing', which is available for people in magazine form or on a interactive screen Total film was launched in 1997 and also offers to the people that buy their film magazine; cinema , DVD, and blue-ray news. 
Cover page; The cove page just has a lot of information on the cover which can be linked 

The 'total film' magazine was an old magazine which was released many years ago but also in the magazine it still has all the latest film and movies that was released within that year.


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